Comprehensive 90 Minute Assessment - $275
Our initial assessment is a detailed evaluation of your current physical well-being.
During your first visit, we will examine the effectiveness of your breathing patterns and analyze how your joints are stacked in a rested posture. We will then progress into a more detailed gait training analysis by filming your movement in slow motion. Gait training is the specific sequences the body goes through when walking and running. Observing an individual’s specific movement training patterns allows us to see deeper into a body’s functional capacity. For example, if your body does not lightly absorb the shock from the ground when you run, you can potentially pinpoint a compression somewhere up the kinetic chain, like the ankle, knee, hip, lower back, and spine. Techniques which help take the stress off of compressed areas can reduce inflammation and alleviate chronic aches and pains. When we understand how your specific gait training is connected to your structural integrity, the more we can help you solve your problems and reach your fitness goals. We are all about improving bio mechanics and performance enhancement.